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EMPOWERING School Social Workers to Create Better Outcomes

Our Unique Approach - ECINS is a nonprofit social enterprise dedicated to solving case management problems for our clients

Upgrade Your Productivity with 3 Months of Free Access to the ECINS Student Support System

ECINS is now offering FASSW members free access to a unique case management system tailored to the specific needs of school social workers. Following a free 3-month introductory period, special discounted member subscription rates will apply.

The ECINS Student Support System is a collaborative case management system that allows better communication and engagement between students, their families and other key personnel. This transformative solution is uniquely designed to enable early intervention and create better outcomes for vulnerable students.

Say goodbye to Google docs, Excel spreadsheets and endless paper and hello to getting more done with ease. Best yet, getting up and running with ECINS takes less than one work day!

Endorsed by the School Social Work Association of America (SSWAA)

ECINS and SSWAA have joined forces to provide school social workers with the ECINS Student Support System. SSWAA’s mission is to use ECINS as a foundation for standardizing best practices in school social work across America.

See the Student Support System in Action

Standardizing best practices in school social work across America.

  • Streamline workflows

  • Reduce administrative burden

  • Enable collaboration and communication with students, families and key personnel

  • Manage, record, report, and securely share essential information about students with key personnel

  • Measure efficacy in order to implement best practices school and district-wide

  • A one-stop solution, the ECINS Student Support System can do all of this and more

FASSW Members, Sign Up Now for 3 Months of Free Access to the ECINS Student Support System

Special Discounted Member Subscription Rates Apply Following Free Introductory Period*

*After the free 3-month introductory period concludes, ECINS will offer special discounted annual subscription rates to FASSW members and their schools/districts.


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