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How an Electronic System Can Save School Social Workers Time

School social workers are facing an increasing workload as the number of students and their individual needs continue to rise. In order to provide an effective and efficient complete support system for these students, it is essential to streamline processes that are part of the daily workload of a school social worker. One way to do so is to switch to an electronic student support and case management system, which can reduce time spent on data entry, administration and paperwork.

Using an electronic system, school social workers can save time by eliminating manual search and retrieval of hard copy documents and eliminating double entry of information into multiple systems. This can reduce time spent on data validation and entering data into multiple systems, freeing up time for social workers to do more meaningful work with students.

The automatic generation of documents also reduces paper waste and provides an improved document management system. This increases efficiency by generating documents and assessments quicker, making them easier to access, and allowing for more accurate information sharing. Electronic student support and case management systems also let school social workers generate transparent and timely reports with accurate data, making it easier to track performance and results. They can also store and access electronic signatures, simplifying the legal processes needed for any actions taken.

Using an electronic student support and case management system to manage data and documentation comes with many benefits for school social workers. Switching from paper to electronic methods for any school social worker can save hundreds of hours a year and free up much needed time that can be spent more meaningfully with students. Going paperless is key to efficient social work practice and a great way to ensure the best possible support and care is given to school students.


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