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The Limitations and Dangers of using Google Docs and Spreadsheets for Student Support & Case Management

The use of Google Docs and Spreadsheets as tools to manage student support and case management services can be a useful way of working. However, there are several limitations and dangers associated with this type of solution that should be taken into consideration. By understanding the potential flaws and pitfalls of trusting Google Docs and Spreadsheets, you can ensure that your student support and case management services are delivered in a safe and secure way.

To begin, Google Docs and Spreadsheets are not as secure as other data management systems and have fewer features. Furthermore, the editing capabilities for these services can be quite limited, with no ability to control who can make changes in a document. Additionally, if the data stored in Google Docs or Spreadsheets are incorrect, it can be difficult to identify and correct the source of the error.

In the worst-case scenario, data stored in Google Docs or Spreadsheets can be completely lost. This can be incredibly damaging and damaging to information-driven organizations, as data stored in Google Docs and Spreadsheets may not be backed up or restored in the event of unexpected events. Furthermore, data stored in Google Docs and Spreadsheets may be exposed to potential hacking, as there is no way to protect individual documents from the service.

Finally, there is the potential for data stored in Google Docs and Spreadsheets to become corrupted or damaged. For organizations handling sensitive student information, these risks can pose significant danger and must be addressed as soon as possible.

In conclusion, while using Google Docs and Spreadsheets can be a convenient and cost-effective way to manage student support and case management services, organizations must be aware of the limitations and dangers associated with this type of solution. By understanding the potential flaws and pitfalls of trusting Google Docs and Spreadsheets, you can ensure that your student support and case management services are delivered in a safe and secure way.


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