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ECINS US Pilot Program Aims to Support Overwhelmed Human Services Sector

ECINS, the global provider of the most widely used multi-agency case management software in the U.K., is launching nationwide operations in the U.S. with a new pilot program for nonprofits in the human services sector. The social enterprise, which uses secure, cloud-based technology to help vulnerable people and empower the practitioners who serve them, is allocating $500,000 of free software services and subscriptions to eligible U.S. nonprofits. ECINS is the world’s most collaborative case management system, and its U.S. launch will enhance the human services sector’s capacity to meet their constituents’ urgent needs as well as help them see the impact of their efforts.

In 2021, nonprofits, charities and aid organizations continue to provide vital services to individuals and families, helping them recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, navigate prolonged economic uncertainty and respond to emerging health crises, like the surging opioid epidemic. According to The Nonprofit Trends Report, an expansive global survey of nonprofit leaders, 85 percent agree that “technology is key to their long-term success,” allowing them to enhance their offerings, connect with donors, create better constituent experiences and connect their communities.

“ECINS was founded on the belief that people are complex and so are their problems,” explains Gary Pettengell, founder and CEO at ECINS. “The more we can do to empower the human services sector with technology and innovation to simplify their processes is our entire focus.”

In the U.S. alone, of the 200 nonprofit professionals surveyed for the Nonprofit Trends Report:

  • 35 percent stated that changes in government funding have affected their ability to deliver on their mission;
  • 44 percent indicated that capturing and managing accurate data on constituents is substantially challenging;
  • The majority, at 57 percent, stated “it is hard to understand if their programs are effective and/or reaching the population they set out to serve.”

From helping multiple agencies collaborate as agile partners to empowering users to access and share case management data in a more immediate way, ECINS is a solution focused on helping human services teams to do more as the demands for their time and services increase.

Empowering Support Across Continents: Multi-Agency Collaborative Case Management Solution Has Global Footprint

Building a reputation globally over the last 20+ years, ECINS’ case management software is now trusted by more than 16,000 users who utilize the system to process referrals, manage cases, engage with clients, collaborate with the community and support their teams. The software allows communities to provide integrated network systems that provide a seamless, integrated and collaborative experience resulting in a more complete picture of the issues that matter most. What’s more, with no user licenses, ECINS includes everything – from training and customization to partner access and a robust communications portal – at a simple, singular cost.

Technology Solutions Rooted in Improving People’s Lives through Innovation

The ECINS team of experts has decades of nonprofit and human services support experience, bringing a wealth of expertise to its users. From its founding, the company was built to solve real-world needs as Pettengell, a former public servant and safety officer, formed ECINS after experiencing first-hand the immense need for support services and the inefficiencies that often made getting help too difficult.

“Our core value and most important purpose is to improve people’s lives, and we are thrilled to help nonprofits in the U.S. achieve better outcomes for their clients and constituents,” said Pettengell.

ECINS is accepting U.S. Pilot Program applications until January 31, 2022. Visit https://ecinsfoundation.org/us-pilot-program to learn more and apply.


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