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Peterborough City Council, Pupil Referral Service

Student Drop-Out Rate Significantly Reduced with Wraparound Support Program Managed on ECINS


  • Population 900,000+
  • Historically Low Socio-Economical Region
  • High Student Drop-Out Rate


  • Peterborough City Council correlated the low incomes and reduced life expectancy of its residents to higher-than-average school drop-out rate.
  • A significant number of children were living in high-risk environments that included domestic violence, family mental health issues and addiction.
  • Some children were unaccompanied minors from Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.
  • Many children had experienced extreme trauma at a young age.
  • The at-risk status of these children created issues at school that eventually led to school exclusion.


  • Peterborough City Council developed a complex support program focused on early intervention to avoid crisis situations and safeguard children.
  • A multi-disciplinary team of social support professionals and local police officials worked collaboratively to assess children and their needs and provide wraparound support of the child and their family based on the team’s assessment.
  • The ECINS case management system was used to house the assessments and recommendations from each support professional in “one record of truth” where a complex picture of each child’s challenges would emerge. Action and support plans were then created in the system, securely shared with team members and local officials, and on-going support was executed where needed.


  • Reduced the number of permanent school exclusions to 2 in the last 2 years.
  • Secure, master files of students’ information housed digitally and shared with multilevel security access.
  • Remote access to the cloud-based system has significantly reduced administrative time as files can be updated on site at home visits.


“ECINS has been absolutely central to the success of the scheme. It really is an amazing tool that has allowed us to carry out this work in a secure and efficient way and help us deliver joined-up support.” – Andy Craighead, Key Facilitator, Peterborough Pupil Referral Service


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