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Case Management

ECINS Case Management Software - Case Management System Fosters Multi Agency Collaboration and Ensures Multilevel Security.

SOLVE any case management problem by building a single record of truth for users and enabling sensitive information to be shared across multi-agency operations through robust multilevel security.

Support Complex Cases with Multi-Agency Collaboration

Allow multiple organisations to access a bird’s eye view of complex care histories in order to support a client’s complicated life factors. Using robust, multilevel security, practitioners can provide services and collaborate with other users to achieve better outcomes.

One Record of Truth

Securely store one shared record of information that can be accessed from the cloud by authorised organisations and practitioners when a client requires a variety of support.

Trusted Globally

The most secure way to easily share sensitive information with other agencies, ECINS meets and/or exceeds data management and security requirements for the world’s most security-conscious organisations.

Reduce Risk and Improve Outcomes

Minimize risk response timelines with access to a robust communications portal that provides easy visibility, instant updates and secure alerts to help people when they need it most.

Australia’s most collaborative case management system, ECINS can be remotely accessed on a completely secure GDP cloud-based system without the need for a virtual private network (VPN), allowing multiple organisations to work collaboratively toward better client outcomes.

Manage Individual or Family Profiles

  • Track connections and commonalities to other people on the system
  • Import data from other systems
  • Develop one record of truth
  • Create ongoing log of actions, discussions and outcomes
  • Assess risk and create journey maps

Create and Maintain Forms, Documents & Reports

  • Record, store and manage documents and activities centrally
  • Produce legal chronology documentation
  • Manage and report on outcomes
  • Create templates and auto populate forms

Collaborate on Cases & Assign Tasks

  • Collaborate with multiple agencies
  • Allocate cases and assign tasks to key workers
  • Automate funneling of information
  • Run meetings and build support teams

Communicate and Set Up Alerts & Notifications

  • Share information in real-time
  • Message users securely
  • Receive & send alerts about clients, activities and events
  • Set-up automatic notifications

Experience ECINS in Action


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