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Community Collaboration

ECINS' Community Collaboration Software makes it easy to simplify community engagement and build stronger community partnerships

COLLABORATE across multiple parties to improve community safety with secure, real-time information sharing and alerts, allowing organisations, individuals and businesses to play an active role in premises safety, incident reporting, and offender identification.

Simplify Community Engagement

The community collaboration module enhances community engagement by easing the burden on strained systems, and includes accessibility from all devices with secure, limited access to avoid privacy issues.

Share in Real Time to Minimise Problems

Using real-time information sharing, complaints and public issues can be managed and addressed in a timely manner to avoid escalation.

Build Stronger Community Partnerships

Allow the public to play an active role in reporting, volunteering, and sharing relevant information, including new initiatives and events, as well as incident and offender details.

Empower Communities to Help Themselves

Help communities develop and run a diverse range of programs, such as neighbourhood watch and missing person alerts, or collaborate on more targeted local problems while being supported by the police.

Australia’s most collaborative case management system, ECINS can be remotely accessed on a completely secure GDP cloud-based system without the need for a virtual private network (VPN), allowing multiple organisations to work collaboratively toward better client outcomes.

Optimise Communication

  • Reduce the need for in-person meetings
  • Enable secure information sharing in real-time
  • Send messages and alerts
  • Provide access to helpful information and community events
  • Improve engagement, information sharing and problem solving

Manage Community Initiatives & Events

  • Manage and coordinate community programs
  • Make processes, time and money efficient
  • Encourage collaboration of residents, watch groups, businesses, and authorities to increase local safety

Increase Engagement with Robust Features

  • Maintain secure multilevel access
  • Set rules for behaviour and block inappropriate conduct
  • Create a searchable user directory
  • Catalogue stolen property
  • Access “watch lists”
  • Establish and share access levels for reports
  • Integrate with the case management module

Experience ECINS in Action


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