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ECINS aren’t your ordinary software company. We are a not-for-profit social enterprise looking to create a better society by encouraging a smarter, more collaborative way of working across the public and third sectors.

Our vision

We don’t believe in pigeon-holing people or keeping good ideas to ourselves. Our aim is to help people learn from each other and develop more compassionate attitudes through preventative and positive person-centred interventions.

Always improving

The question that drives us is simple: how can we make it better? For vulnerable people, communities and the users of our systems. It’s this question that keeps our agile systems evolving, and the reason we hand on the updates to our users at no extra cost.


For more than 20 years we’ve been working alongside practitioners to create systems that solve real problems. We are now the the world’s most collaborative case management system, empowering communities across the UK, US and Australia.

Where did ECINS begin?

ECINS started as a germ of an idea back in 2000, when founders, Gary and Sarah Pettengell, were still working in the police force. They saw vulnerable people grappling with problems like gambling, addiction, family violence and sex crimes and wondered if there might be a less authoritarian, more compassionate way to help them.

They thought how much better it might be if support agencies could securely share their knowledge about people, so the complexity of their lives and struggles might be more fully seen and supported. They wondered what might help empower vulnerable people and communities to take action in their own lives.

And so Empowering Communities through Integrated Network Systems, or ECINS, was born.

A growing reputation

With hubs in Australia, New York and the UK, a growing list of clients across the world, ECINS is setting a new benchmark for collaborative case management.

The ECINS Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation who believes in impact investment. We support charities, social entrepreneurs and organisations that are helping people live safer, more productive and more connected lives.

Visit the foundation website to find out more

Want to work with ECINS?

Contact us here

Our Team … and a few of their favourite things

Gary Pettengell

Global CEO

As head honcho of E-CINS, if there is one thing you can be sure of, it’s that Gary’s sights are firmly set on making things better. Whether during his time in the police force, helping vulnerable people. Or when E-CINS first began. Or right up to this day, when he learns about the problems his clients are facing, and stays up late into the night, mind ticking over to the next piece of new functionality he can add to E-CINS to make things better for users. Never one to sit still, it’s no wonder coffee is his best friend.


Sarah Pettengell

Director of Services

Sarah’s compassion has always been front and centre in her approach to life and work. This quality served her well during her time in the police force, chairing domestic abuse conferences and managing specialist teams grappling with complex issue such as child abuse, vulnerable adult abuse and serious sexual violence. Dunsborough is her home base in Australia. It brings with it the sounds of the ocean and sand between the toes that spell relaxation with a capital R. Sarah’s in-depth knowledge of the real problems faced not only by vulnerable people, but those at the coal face helping them, is invaluable to our clients.


Thomas Pettengell

Operations Manager Australia

It is hardly surprising that someone with an advanced mathematics degree with a thesis centred around solving the Grad-Shavranov equation, cites learning as the thing he loves best. At ECINS, Thomas dedicates himself to bringing the collaborative case management model at the heart of ECINS, to Australia. He is also learning offensive and defensive cyber security and ethical hacking (all for the good of ECINS users, of course!). See his sign for the reasons why.


Despina Sergiou

Implementation & Support Manager

As implementation and support manager, developing strong relationships is at the foundation of everything Despina does. Open-minded and creative, she delights in listening to our diverse range of clients and supporting them on their ECINS journey. She brings to our team and clients the same caring approach that places family at the centre of her world.


Kevin Newland

Customer Experience & Support Team Member

As day-to-day support in our ticketing system and e-mail point of contact for our users, Kevin is positive, patient and customer-focused. When new teams are starting their ECINS journey, he is right hand man, helping ensure things run smoothly. Just as ten-pin bowling brings together his enjoyment of constant improvement and teamwork, so too his role at ECINS.

Luke Norman

Software Release Co-ordinator

Luke thrives on sharing ideas, constant improvement and dedication to making ECINS the best version of itself. That, and, of course, the deliciousness of chicken wings. Whether developing products, rectifying bugs or setting up new systems and user support, Luke loves knowing his skills and attention to detail ultimately goes on to benefit the community.


Reuben Mansbridge

Graphic Designer

With tunes constantly playing to keep his creative juices flowing, Rueben spends his days designing the marketing and educational packages that support the ECINS products. His focus is on finding and creative ways to deliver complex information in ways that are simple, effective yet still engaging and he loves working for an organisation focused on helping people.


Cris Bonella

Quality Assurance Manager

Working closely with users during development and implementation of ECINS, Cris ensures all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed when it comes time to deliver our products. Though Cris loves being part of our close-knit team, when it is time for a holiday, you will find her spreading her wings, visiting new places and discovering different cultures.

Sheeba Davis

Account Manager

As a former ECINS user (in her previous roles as Community Safety Practitioner), and ECINS development officer (with experience delivering ECINS training to over 100 different teams), there is no better person to help new clients understand how ECINS can transform the way they work. Sheeba brings the same kindness and compassion that is at the heart of her faith to clients, patiently supporting and helping with implementation and training. She also loves that her work with us allows her to support vulnerable people across the globe.

Graham Mansbridge

Application Designer

After decades of success as a graphic designer, Graham transferred his love of creating simple and engaging interfaces to the world of ECINS application design. With us from the start, Graham never tires of the problem-solving challenge of coming up with innovative digital solutions to help clients work more effectively. When he is not swimming laps at his local pool, Graham likes nothing better than snorkelling in the Mediterranean.

Stephanie Andujar

Customer Success Manager

As a Customer Success Manager, Stephanie's goal is to provide excellent service in every customer interaction, building a great relationship with each customer. Stephanie shares the rest of the ECINS team's passion and compassion for helping those in need. In fact, the ECINS team has inspired Stephanie to further her education in the social work field. She enjoys spending downtime by the ocean, which is an infinite reminder that no matter what you do in this life, there is always more beyond our reach.

ECINS can be turned on, introduced, implemented and rolled out quickly, easily and at good value for money – it doesn’t get better than that really.

Simon Clifford, Director of Technology and Digital Transformation, Northamptonshire OPCC

Sussex Police has halved the average number of days it takes to progress Restorative Justice Cases from Referral to finalisation since introducing ECINS.

Elize Manning, RJ Coordinator, Sussex Police

Knowing that the information is on the system, but can’t be accessed by the whole network reassures the young person making disclosures, whilst also enabling an inclusive management of risk.

Jules Trompowsky, Rescue and Response Partnership Coordinator, Rescue and Response Project (County Lines), Brent Council, UK

Our partnership and the ECINS platforms will give the AMHC a competitive edge and place us at the cutting edge of monitoring and evaluation for Aboriginal men who use intimate partner violence (IPV).

Devon Cuimara, Founder CEO, Aboriginal Males Healing Centre

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