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We know that changing to a new way of working is a big commitment. But we also know ECINS delivers immediate time and efficiency savings, reduced manual data entry, improved client engagement, satisfaction and outcomes, increased collaboration and easy access to secure information.

Tailored to you

No two business are exactly alike, so our first step is always to find out more about you, the way you work, and the sticking points you are currently facing. Before making any recommendations we analyse your:

  • business goals
  • referral practices
  • administrative practices
  • client support practices
  • staff management practices
  • existing technology capablities


We help you look at the data you have and how to transfer it to the new system. Our goal is always to strive for the least possible disruption to your business.


From the outset, you will have our full support. Our highly trained implementation specialists, patient training staff, friendly support crew and 24/7 help desk will work tirelessly alongside you to ensure you hit the ground running with ECINS.

Constant improvements and free upgrades

After more than five years of co-creation with our user community, and over 2 million dollars of investment, ECINS is the most comprehensive and fully integrated case management solution anywhere in the world. Our agile IT environment means our products are always improving. We provide these improvements to all our customers free of charge.

Read more about how a continual improvement approach can help your business do more with less.

No licenses to encourage collaboration

As a not-for-profit organisation, we put our money where our mouth is when we talk about encouraging collaboration. We don’t charge user licenses, so you can put as many users onto your system as you like.

Extraordinary value for money

Our systems are an excellent value for money solution. But more than that, whatever you spend you are without a doubt going to save in administration time, so the systems actually end up being cost neutral.

Find out more about the adaptable, problem-solving approach that makes ECINS the right fit for so many different organisations.

Read ECINS case studies

Helping you achieve better outcomes

Once we understand more about the work you do, we deliver solutions that deliver immediate benefits.

  • Streamlined business practices
  • Opportunities for improvement harnessed
  • Better decision making based on more complete information
  • Speed and work efficiency amplified
  • Administration time drastically reduced
  • Improved auditing, compliance and performance
  • Enhanced workflow management and project oversight
  • Cloud-based system to allow remote working
  • Unparalleled safety in file sharing and communication
  • System customised to your existing work practices
  • Priority issues and at-risk people more easily identified
  • Automated reminders and alerts to support staff and clients
  • Improved client and community engagement
  • Collaboration maximised
  • Early interventions made easy
  • Successful partnerships made easy
  • Excellent value for money

Sussex Police has halved the average number of days it takes to progress Restorative Justice Cases from Referral to finalisation since introducing ECINS.

Elize Manning, RJ Coordinator, Sussex Police

The time savings we’ve been able to make since using ECINS has been enormous. We’ve been able to significantly cut down the time we spend on data entry and searching for information. It is just so quick!

Chris Day, Housing Support Worker, 180° Norfolk, UK

ECINS has been instrumental in the information sharing process that allowed us to produce a timely report to Social Care … (and) may well have prevented a serious case review having to be carried out.

Andy Solomon, ASB Team Leader of the Community Protection Team, Ipswich Borough Council, UK

Our partnership and the ECINS platforms will give the AMHC a competitive edge and place us at the cutting edge of monitoring and evaluation for Aboriginal men who use intimate partner violence (IPV).

Devon Cuimara, Founder CEO, Aboriginal Males Healing Centre

Download your copy of our free e-book

Want to know how early intervention and collaborative practices can reduce costs and improve client outcomes?

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