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Mayor’s Office of Police and Crime (MOPAC), London

London Uses ECINS to Improve Reporting of Violent Offenders


  • Made up of 32 London Boroughs


  • Understanding that preventative measures could help lower the crime rate, MOPAC needed to develop an effective way to capture and report data on persistent violent offenders.


  • The ECINS system was deployed to all MOPAC boroughs where offender information could be uniformly captured and combined from multiple sources and then processed through a custom risk matrix that assigns a combine risk score based on multi-agency data. Violent offender reports are then widely shared for awareness and to mitigate potential risk.


  • MOPAC violent offender reporting is now dynamically robust and available in real-time to all agencies involved, allowing authorities to focus on mitigating the risk of repeat offenses with a proactive approach.
  • Repeat offenders are easily identified and can be approached with supportive assistance to create better outcomes for their lives. Information can be securely shared with support organizations.
  • Early intervention is now utilized to reduce repeat and escalating offenses by youth who can be identified and supported with services to put them on the right path.


“ECINS enables us to identify who a person is and link in with existing intelligence to see if there is anything we could be doing to mitigate the risk of harm to this person and the wider community. We have had cases where individuals known in one part of the UK for burglary have been identified in another part of the UK. We’ve only been able to discover that through using ECINS.” – Richard Norfolk, Community Safety Team, London Borough of Barnet


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