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West Midlands Police Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV)


CIRV is a Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV) in the West Midlands, with referral modules currently in both Coventry and Wolverhampton. Both areas have two encrypted referral forms (one for professionals and one is self-referral), which maximises the number of referrals received.


The case management system that CIRV use is an ECINS solo. This means that it has all the functionality of the national system but is designed specifically for this project. ECINS also supports CIRV through its referral module; professionals involved in the scheme can send project feedback forms that assist CIRV in improving the programme.

CIRV received 800 referrals through this system in its first 3 months and is currently the largest and most intensively evaluated piece of crime prevention activity in the country. Its evaluation currently sits at 1 million pounds across a 3-year programme.

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