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Trying to decide whether a new software is the right fit for your business can be tricky. That's why we offer free zoom consultations and demonstrations. This process lets us better understand your pain points and allows you to clearly see if our software can solve the problems you are facing.

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Knowing that the information is on the system, but can’t be accessed by the whole network reassures the young person making disclosures, whilst also enabling an inclusive management of risk.

Jules Trompowsky, Rescue and Response Partnership Coordinator, Rescue and Response Project (County Lines), Brent Council, UK

ECINS can be turned on, introduced, implemented and rolled out quickly, easily and at good value for money – it doesn’t get better than that really.

Simon Clifford, Director of Technology and Digital Transformation, Northamptonshire OPCC

ECINS has been instrumental in the information sharing process that allowed us to produce a timely report to Social Care … (and) may well have prevented a serious case review having to be carried out.

Andy Solomon, ASB Team Leader of the Community Protection Team, Ipswich Borough Council, UK

The time savings we’ve been able to make since using ECINS has been enormous. We’ve been able to significantly cut down the time we spend on data entry and searching for information. It is just so quick!

Chris Day, Housing Support Worker, 180° Norfolk, UK