Keeping up-to-date with industry best practice and new regulations in early intervention, collaborative work practices, safe data sharing and safeguarding for vulnerable people is at the heart of our business and innovations. This is a place to share what we learn.
We were pleased to be able to have a recent virtual meeting with Lee Spear, Community Safety Officer for the London Boroughs of Richmond and Wandsworth who use ECINS for more →
The difference ECINS is making to our organisation for efficiency, effectiveness, accessibility and managing our caseloads is enormous.
Kirsty Richardson,
Head of Operations,
Tiny Life
As ECINS is accessible remotely, officers can upload information on their i-pads when out on the street so they are actively addressing live operations.
Claire Hardy,
Senior Practitioner (Crime & ASB) – City Wide Operations, Public Protection & Licensing Directorate,
Westminster City Council
Knowing that the information is on the system, but can’t be accessed by the whole network reassures the young person making disclosures, whilst also enabling an inclusive management of risk.
Jules Trompowsky,
Rescue and Response Partnership Coordinator, Rescue and Response Project (County Lines),
Brent Council, UK
Our partnership and the ECINS platforms will give the AMHC a competitive edge and place us at the cutting edge of monitoring and evaluation for Aboriginal men who use intimate partner violence (IPV).
Devon Cuimara,
Founder CEO,
Aboriginal Males Healing Centre