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Using ECINS to Manage Hate Crime

Northamptonshire Police started using ECINS for hate crime/incidents in April 2016.

Sergeant Steve Bedford of the Hate Crime and Incidents Project has been involved in developing the use of ECINS from the outset and whilst working on a Neighbourhood Team volunteered his team to pilot working with the Anti-Social Behaviour Unit. He was appointed to his current project role because of his knowledge of using ECINS to support partnership working.

“The main benefits of the system is the ability to share information in a secure, quick and effective way with partners whilst at the same time ensuring sensitive information is restricted to appropriate recipients only.” Said Sgt Bedford.

“ECINS has helped us to improve partnership working and multi-agency approaches by facilitating partnership case management meetings, reducing paperwork and emails. We have seen improvements in the management of anti-social behaviour cases and are hopeful that as we continue we will see the same successes around hate crime, in particular around victim management.

“We are hoping to get 3rd sector and voluntary organisations using ECINS to record details of hate incidents where the victim does not want the police involved – ultimately looking for ECINS to provide us with useable data showing the extent of hate crime & incidents across the county.”

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