Student Engagement Module
Schools play a role far more diverse than teaching academic information to children. They support families and communities in helping students take increased responsibility for their learning and behaviour. When more →
Keeping up-to-date with industry best practice and new regulations in early intervention, collaborative work practices, safe data sharing and safeguarding for vulnerable people is at the heart of our business and innovations. This is a place to share what we learn.
Schools play a role far more diverse than teaching academic information to children. They support families and communities in helping students take increased responsibility for their learning and behaviour. When more →
In a report by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations called ‘School and community: working together, some fundamentals have been identified If outcomes for Indigenous students are to more →
School suspension—the temporary removal of a student from school—is a relatively common response to student misbehaviour in schools. But evidence suggests that not only does this form of punishment not more →
Every organisation has a duty of care responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace for its employees. This includes taking every possible step to minimise employees’ exposure to violence, more →
1. Domestic violence teams are stretched to breaking point The number of people who need help dealing with family violence can at times feel overwhelming. Budgets are stretched, and administrative more →
Journey mapping allows you to track the growth and success of your clients as you work with them. Not all growth is easy to put on to paper, and generic more →
How many people are being excluded from school? In Australia in 2019, more than 113,000 students were removed from government schools, either for a set period or permanently. Aboriginal and more →
One woman in four experiences domestic abuse in her lifetime. Two women are killed each week by a current or former partner in England and Wales. One woman is killed more →
A growing national problem, County Lines and Child Criminal Exploitation, is affecting the safety and welfare of thousands of people across the UK. It impacts a range of complex issues more →
ECINS’ Heather Ette spoke to Les Golding, Modern Slavery Investigator at Sussex Police about their Discovery partnership project which brings together 15+ different agencies including local police officers, fire officers, more →
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