Jules Trompowsky, Rescue and Response Partnership Coordinator (North London), Rescue and Response Project (County Lines)
Email: Juliana.Trompowsky@brent.gov.uk
ECINS is the chosen IT provider to facilitate the MOPAC funded Pan-London Rescue and Response County Lines project to support young people being criminally exploited, or at risk of exploitation, through county lines activity. The Rescue and Response project operates across all of London for three years and provides an immediate and flexible service for those young people being exploited.
Jules Trompowsky, Rescue and Response Partnership Coordinator for North London said ‘We use ECINS as a pan-London approach for managing and appropriately sharing sensitive information.
‘The ease of doing so via ECINS has enabled us total control of the content of what we share, minimising potential anxiety around inappropriate sharing, data protection breaches and having to log in to separate secure email platforms such as EGRESS and CJSM which can be seen as an inconvenience. We have found that the more people using ECINS, the easier it is to send information between us within the system, safe in the knowledge that it is secure.
‘Due to the multitude of professionals that support young people, having a system that allows multiple organisations to use, improves the coordination of information sharing. Through the ECINS directory, professionals are able to make direct contact with other professionals saving valuable time. Jules said ‘The directory is really ideal, gone are the days of having to keep a separate email contacts list. We can speak directly with other boroughs through the ECINS system and there is no longer a need to call offices or try to find people’s details.
‘Harrow use ECINS really well, which has facilitated a robust communication platform for us to discuss potential referrals into the project. They are able to quality assure referrals to ensure there is a consistent standard with every referral application, whilst maintaining a clear link between the project and the local authority enabling us to input data straight into ECINS with no need to make several phone calls or set up multiple strategy meetings. For example, Harrow conduct a daily Violence, Vulnerability and Exploitation Panel. The use of ECINS allows for instant updates to be added to cases, amending risk assessments in real time, allocating profiles through the SPOC function. The action log enables a clear understanding of what work has taken place, also enabling us to be accountable for these actions.”
‘The Rescue and Response project is about to go into its second year and the team plan to extend their use of the system to include the mapping feature which has a multitude of functionalities. A concern for us with this cohort of vulnerable young people is ensuring a continued quality of care exists alongside safety planning. Whilst information sharing is conducted from one borough to the next, ECINS enables us to map the past and current locations of these young people, allowing stake holders to track profiles across boroughs so that if young people move from one borough to another, support can be seamlessly picked up by the new council area.
“[ECINS] mapping functionality can assist with starting to understand where young people are spending their time, and if there is a correlation with exploitation taking place in these hotspots.”
Jules states that through the project, the Rescue and Response team have been able to explore how far young people are travelling through County Lines activity and will now use ECINS to highlight relationships between young people ie how Child A has come in to contact with Child B. Jules said ‘Not only are we able to map this association but also inform the local authority of the potential risks and begin having those conversations locally without delay.’
Jules continued ‘Another opportunity that the mapping functionality can assist with is starting to understand where young people are spending their time, and if there is a correlation with exploitation taking place in these hotspots. For example, the project allows us to work closely with local authorities where we can start to map data about young people and their school, and start to understand how these connections are taking place. As a team we are really pushing forward with making the most of this functionality in 2020.’
‘One of the main positive features of using ECINS is that all data is locked down until you as the owner of the data chooses to open up the information and to whom. Due to the nature of the work we do, ECINS facilitates the capturing of the comprehensive work being conducted, whilst complying with confidentiality and data protection guidance, allowing us to lock down access to certain confidential information through the report function. Knowing that the information is on the system, but can’t be accessed by the whole network can increase reassurance in the young person making disclosures, whilst also enabling an inclusive management of risk. The action log feature will improve the accountability and overall understanding of work that has historically taken place, facilitating new and improved processes. The ease of pulling data through the reporting aspect enables the downloading of outcome reports, allowing each user to tailor it to their current data needs.
“Whilst information sharing is conducted from one borough to the next, ECINS enables us to map the past and current locations of these young people, allowing stake holders to track profiles across boroughs so that if young people move from one borough to another, support can be seamlessly picked up by the new council area.”
‘As an ex- front line practitioner myself, having used 4 different case management systems, none have offered the opportunity to work in a multi-agency capacity with such ease. I feel confident in explaining the functions of the system, safe in the knowledge that if there is anything I don’t know the answer to I can quickly get the information from the in-built Support Feature which tells me exactly what I need.
‘As we move away from working in silo, and with the benefits of ECINS expanding nationally, we can see if young people have come into contact with other ECINS areas and if so link in where needed.
The ability to work in a more conscious and client centred approach is reinforced through ECINS, enabling an actual multi-agency approach to case management.’
“The Rescue and Response team also use EC-Connect referral portal, which allows an easy and effective way for referrals to be submitted, reviewed and managed securely. Data is able to be collated through this system, to support capture of wider outcomes and data monitoring”.
Speaking of ECINS’ role in the Rescue and Response project, R&R Operations Manager Megan Hatton said ‘Due to the project being pan London, and a consortium of partners, we needed a platform that would provide a quick and simple case management system to allow for effective information sharing across the project. Rescue and Response have been using ECINS case management system to provide case updates and management for the young people referred to the project, and, data collection for wider trends and themes. By using ECINS, we are also able to help facilitate information sharing across London boroughs and wider partners, to ensure there is a robust professional network supporting each young person. Due to a variety of county forces using the system, we are able to check if any young people referred to the project are also known to those forces, again helping share information quick time and link partners together.
‘We have been using the system for 12 months and we are able to review the system and adapt things to ensure it supports the project requirements and add new things where needed. We have received positive feedback on the ease of the system, and the benefits to it being available to a multitude of partners working with the young people.
‘The Rescue and Response team also use ECINS Reporting and Referral Module, which allows an easy and effective way for referrals to be submitted, reviewed and managed securely. Data is able to be collated through this system, to support capture of wider outcomes and data monitoring’.