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Neighbourhood Resolution Panels Deliver Restorative Justice in Staffordshire


Staffordshire is one of the National Pilot sites for the roll out of Neighbourhood Resolution Panels (NRPs). Staffordshire wanted a system to enable them to make referrals and record restorative justice interventions in one place that would be accessible by all relevant staff and agencies involved in the programme.


Neighbourhood Resolution Panels are fully trained community volunteers who possess Restorative Justice Conferencing skills that enable them to facilitate meetings between individuals in communities involved in a conflict. Aimed at low level crime and anti-social behaviour Staffordshire has 26 volunteers coordinated by an NRP Coordinator employed by Victim Support.  Staffordshire Police are training all officers and PCSO’s in delivering Restorative Justice in communities.


ECINS is used to record any sort of RJ intervention and is accessible by all control room staff so that the system can be searched on behalf of operation officers considering its use. Operational officers can refer matters they are dealing with to the NRP coordinator. ECINS is used to do this with the referring officer firstly discussing the case with a local RJ Champion. If the case is appropriate for referral a referral form is completed and attached to a task on ECINS which is sent to the NRP Coordinator. If the referral is accepted by the NRP Coordinator then an ECINS case is commenced and the progress of the case managed through the ECINS System.

ECINS enables the recording of all Restorative Justice Interventions on a single database and the platform by which referrals can be made to the NRP Coordinator.

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