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Keeping up-to-date with industry best practice and new regulations in early intervention, collaborative work practices, safe data sharing and safeguarding for vulnerable people is at the heart of our business and innovations. This is a place to share what we learn.

Community Safety and employment support in Barnet

Matt Leng, Community Safety Manager, London Borough of Barnet Email: Community Safety Barnet commissioned ECINS for Community Safety Case Management and Community Safety functions in January 2017.  It remains the only more →

ECINS has been instrumental in the information sharing process that allowed us to produce a timely report to Social Care … (and) may well have prevented a serious case review having to be carried out.

Andy Solomon, ASB Team Leader of the Community Protection Team, Ipswich Borough Council, UK

The time savings we’ve been able to make since using ECINS has been enormous. We’ve been able to significantly cut down the time we spend on data entry and searching for information. It is just so quick!

Chris Day, Housing Support Worker, 180° Norfolk, UK

The difference ECINS is making to our organisation for efficiency, effectiveness, accessibility and managing our caseloads is enormous.

Kirsty Richardson, Head of Operations, Tiny Life

Sussex Police has halved the average number of days it takes to progress Restorative Justice Cases from Referral to finalisation since introducing ECINS.

Elize Manning, RJ Coordinator, Sussex Police

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