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Wheel Assessment

What is it and who is it for?

This new functionality allows you to present your assessments in a graphical format that gives you an immediate snapshot of a person’s assessed needs.

This is particularly suited to offender management teams, early help, education and support workers who need to assess and re-assess a profile’s progress over a specific timeframe.

How does it work?

The Radar/Wheel Assessment is created from completing a number of predefined questions in your risk assessment.  The wheel shows an individual’s scores in a graphical format so you can immediately assess a person’s needs. You can overlay assessments with past assessments to quickly identify progress and areas of improvement.

How does it help practitioners?

This functionality allows you to quickly identify areas for improvement and review past and present progress based on specific scores. You can work towards improving future outcomes by creating action plans, tasks and set dates for future reviews.

The Radar/Wheel Assessment is fully responsive, working off mobile devices so you can easily access it when working remotely.

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