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Our clients often come to us when they are facing sticky problems. It could be something as large as needing to manage a coordinated, multi-agency approach to homelessness, or as simple as needing to make their processes more streamlined. No matter what their issue, we love playing a part in coming up with a solution.

As ECINS is accessible remotely, officers can upload information on their i-pads when out on the street so they are actively addressing live operations.

Claire Hardy, Senior Practitioner (Crime & ASB) – City Wide Operations, Public Protection & Licensing Directorate, Westminster City Council

ECINS has been instrumental in the information sharing process that allowed us to produce a timely report to Social Care … (and) may well have prevented a serious case review having to be carried out.

Andy Solomon, ASB Team Leader of the Community Protection Team, Ipswich Borough Council, UK

The difference ECINS is making to our organisation for efficiency, effectiveness, accessibility and managing our caseloads is enormous.

Kirsty Richardson, Head of Operations, Tiny Life

The time savings we’ve been able to make since using ECINS has been enormous. We’ve been able to significantly cut down the time we spend on data entry and searching for information. It is just so quick!

Chris Day, Housing Support Worker, 180° Norfolk, UK

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