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Our clients often come to us when they are facing sticky problems. It could be something as large as needing to manage a coordinated, multi-agency approach to homelessness, or as simple as needing to make their processes more streamlined. No matter what their issue, we love playing a part in coming up with a solution.

Our partnership and the ECINS platforms will give the AMHC a competitive edge and place us at the cutting edge of monitoring and evaluation for Aboriginal men who use intimate partner violence (IPV).

Devon Cuimara, Founder CEO, Aboriginal Males Healing Centre

I think the pure beauty of ECINS is that it offers a single record which means that everything is in one single place.

Claire George, Executive Headteacher Peterborough Learning Centres (PRUs) and Head of Pupil Referral Service, Peterborough City Council

Knowing that the information is on the system, but can’t be accessed by the whole network reassures the young person making disclosures, whilst also enabling an inclusive management of risk.

Jules Trompowsky, Rescue and Response Partnership Coordinator, Rescue and Response Project (County Lines), Brent Council, UK

The difference ECINS is making to our organisation for efficiency, effectiveness, accessibility and managing our caseloads is enormous.

Kirsty Richardson, Head of Operations, Tiny Life

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