HE: At what point in your IOM programme did you start to use ECINS, was your IOM programme already well established?
EH: ECINS had been established around 9 months prior to me being started with the Norfolk Integrated Offender Management Team. Due to ECINS being very user friendly, I started using the Programme straight away as it was so simple to use.
HE: What process did you follow to get your IOM scheme up and running with ECINS and how long did it take?
EH: I was not involved in the setting up of ECINS however, I have been able to facilitate new members of staff to have immediate access to ECINS. This includes Police Staff, Probation Staff and members of Partner Agencies who work with our offenders. The ease in setting up the access to ECINS is vital as all new members of staff can record contacts with offenders immediately. This enables the whole team to obtain ‘real time’ updates which is crucial in maintaining cohesive offender management as it keeps people fully informed.
HE: Which partner agencies and internal departments are able to access ECINS as part of your IOM programme and what impact has ECINS had on your day to day working with these partners?
EH: At the present time the following people within the Norfolk IOM can access ECINS. Norfolk Probation Staff, Police Staff, The resident Housing Support members within IOM, The Resident Drug Support Workers within IOM, Restorative Justice Development Officer, Members of The Matthew Project, Move on East Representatives who are responsible for Education, Training and Employment and Job Centre Plus
The impact enabled all members of staff involved with each offender being able to record all dealings they have with offenders on to a central point which everyone can access. It provides real time information which is stored and facilitates risk assessments being carried out efficiently and effectively. It makes a real difference everyone being able to read, record and update the journey of each offender within IOM.
HE: Do you have any examples where ECINS has produced a better outcome for either a victim or offender you are working with?
EH: ECINS has been instrumental in identifying offenders and ass-isting with the recording of Restorative Justice (R.J) Conferences where certain members of the cohort have met their victim(s). The progress made with each offender which is recorded on ECINS and the updates on Case Management Meetings have enabled suitable offenders being identified for RJ Conferences by the Restorative Justice Development Officer. This officer only works two days a week in the IOM and hence is not always present at the various Case Management Meetings, but because E-CINS records all contacts they are able to identify updated information on each offenders progress and hence can identify suitable R.J candidates in real time.
HE: Do you have any examples of how ECINS has helped you or your partners on a specific case?
EH: A classic example is when an offender from IOM cohort in Staffordshire moved to Norfolk. As Staffordshire use ECINS we were able to access, straight away, this individual’s record and see the journey they had been on within Staffordshire. The immediate access to their information was crucial in gaining an immediate insight into this individual, and made the transfer into Norfolk IOM seamless.