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Keeping up-to-date with industry best practice and new regulations in early intervention, collaborative work practices, safe data sharing and safeguarding for vulnerable people is at the heart of our business and innovations. This is a place to share what we learn.

Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation

The Reducing Incidents of Sexual Exploitation (RISE) unit is the dedicated multi agency team tackling Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). It comprises staff from Safeguarding and Children’s Services, Police, CAN (a more →

Scrap Metal Sites and Collectors

Led by British Transport Police as a 6 month pilot to be held in West Midlands and Staffordshire, this enables all existing and new dealer licences to be recorded and more →

Enabling More Engagement with IOM Partners

Northamptonshire has been using ECINS as its case management system for all IOM cases across the county since September 2014. Suzanne Andrews, IOM Process and Performance Co-ordinator for Northamptonshire Police more →

MASH Team Access on ECINS

Whenever anyone is worried about a child, for example a teacher or health visitor, they will make a referral to the team at the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). The MASH more →

Using ECINS 
For Licensing

by Martin O’Connell, Northamptonshire Police Licensing Sergeant Northamptonshire Police made a decision two years ago that we would replace our legacy licensing system with ECINS and are now using the more →

Our partnership and the ECINS platforms will give the AMHC a competitive edge and place us at the cutting edge of monitoring and evaluation for Aboriginal men who use intimate partner violence (IPV).

Devon Cuimara, Founder CEO, Aboriginal Males Healing Centre

ECINS can be turned on, introduced, implemented and rolled out quickly, easily and at good value for money – it doesn’t get better than that really.

Simon Clifford, Director of Technology and Digital Transformation, Northamptonshire OPCC

Knowing that the information is on the system, but can’t be accessed by the whole network reassures the young person making disclosures, whilst also enabling an inclusive management of risk.

Jules Trompowsky, Rescue and Response Partnership Coordinator, Rescue and Response Project (County Lines), Brent Council, UK

The time savings we’ve been able to make since using ECINS has been enormous. We’ve been able to significantly cut down the time we spend on data entry and searching for information. It is just so quick!

Chris Day, Housing Support Worker, 180° Norfolk, UK

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