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Stay Up-to-Date with How ECINS is Helping Communities Worldwide

With a proven track record solving global social problems, ECINS has its finger on the heartbeat on what’s happening in the human services sector. The more we learn, the more good we can do, and the more we share our knowledge and technology, the more vulnerable people are supported. Learn what we’ve discovered about industry best practices, collaborative work, data security, new regulations, and safeguarding vulnerable people.

Surrey ChaRMMs

ECINS Helps UK Community Safety Partnerships Manage the Risk of Anti-Social Behaviour and Reduce Community Harm Surrey Community Harm and Risk Management Meetings (CHaRMMs) are monthly meetings with partner agencies

Birmingham Children’s Partnership

ECINS Helps Birmingham Children’s Partnership Build a Formal Support Network to Improve the Lives of Vulnerable Families The Birmingham Children’s Partnership is a collaboration between the Birmingham City Council, Birmingham

Aboriginal Males Healing Centre

ECINS Helps Australian Nonprofit Establish Rehabilitation Program for Aboriginal Domestic Violence Offenders Organisation: The Aboriginal Male Healing Centre (AMHC) is a not-for-profit organisation based in Newman, Western Australia that provides

Cambridgeshire Constabulary

Police Provide Rehabilitative Support for Offenders with ECINS Program: Conditional Cautioning Initiative Challenges: Cambridgeshire authorities recognized an opportunity to rehabilitate low-level offenders to decrease reoffences and improve individual’s lives. Solutions:

British Transport Police (BTP)

British Police Reduce Crime and Improve Community with ECINS Challenges: Rising incidences in retail theft, anti-social behavior, and unnecessary activity on the streets was creating an unsafe environment. Solutions: BTP

Lowestoft Rising

Public Sector Partnership Uses ECINS to Support Residents Highlights: Partnership of 5 public sectors, including police officials and clinical professionals. Lowestoft Rising aims to deliver better services to residents in

“A lot of our clients are IT illiterate. The client engagement app is quite accessible and user friendly. A lot of thought has gone into the space around the user.”

Devon Cuimara, Founder & CEO, Aboriginal Males Healing Centre

“The Client Engagement module streamlines the whole support process for the participant themselves. They may need alcohol and drug abuse assistance, mental health services, homelessness and more. This brings it all together under one umbrella.”

Devon Cuimara, Founder & CEO, Aboriginal Males Healing Centre

“Having our information on ECINS, which can be accessed remotely, enables our outreach team to work outside of the office in community settings, which provides significant cost and time savings.”

Deborah Hooton, Service Manager, Rape Crisis Centre

“The difference ECINS is making to our organization for efficiency, effectiveness, accessibility and managing our caseloads is enormous. It is transforming the way we can store and manage the families we are supporting.”

Kirsty Richardson, Head of Operations , Tiny Life

“ECINS has been absolutely pivotal in the way we are able to work. We don’t have any other system that can communicate across agencies and that is as critical to the work that we currently do.”

Claire George, Head of Peterborough’s Pupil Referral Service and Safeguarding and Prevent Lead for Education, Peterborough

“Our partnership with ECINS gives us a competitive advantage and places us at the cutting edge of monitoring and evaluation. This is going to be a significant catalyst in our success in securing funding, moving forward.”

Devon Cuimara, Founder & CEO, Aboriginal Males Healing Centre


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